D. Stoppacher's personal webpage

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Curriculum Vitae D. Stoppacher

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About: Hi, I am Doris and I am an computational astrophysisics working on galaxy formation modelling! I am interesting in studying how galaxies form and the Universe evolves on its largest scale!

About Me

Doris Stoppacher

I hold a PhD in Theoretical Astrophysics (2019) from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, Spain). Currently my research is supported by the Spanish Fellowship programme 2021 named after Margarita Salas, therefore I am a postdoctoral researcher in a joint project called: Hidden Figures on the Sky: Unveiling the formation and assembly channels of low surface brightness galaxies; by studying them with various numerical models of galaxy formation and evolution in collaboration with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the UAM, and the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain).

Some past and ongoing projects of mine include: A semi-analytical perspective on … ; which consits of a series of studies and publications focusing on different aspects of galaxy formation and evolution using semi-analytical models (SAMs). I am is further a peer-researcher on the MultiDark-Galaxies where I also provide support on the data release, analysis, and handling. Other interests include the galaxy-halo connection and the “assembly bias” of galaxy and halo formation or in other words: What does shape galaxy properties in the large-scale environment of the cosmic web?

I am further a member of the movement Astronomers for Planet Earth (A4E), the Sociedad Española de Astronomía (SEA), and an advocate for student mental health awareness, cultural equity, and inclusion in Astrophysics.

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